Hero of the episode: Sun and Jin Zero of the episode: Sawyer
Quote(s) of the episode: “Folks down on the beach might have been doctors and accountants a month ago, but it’s ‘Lord of the Flies’ time now.” – Sawyer to Jin; “We’re not the only people on this island, and we all know it.” –Locke
Music vibes: Serious and determined during Sun’s reveal; Sad as Sun and Jin’s marriage breaks apart
Little things: Jin putting the flower in Sun’s hair during their wedding | Shannon and Sayid bonding | Michael talking to Walt about architecture
Episode notebook:
Another camera shot of an eye, this time it’s Jin.
All Jin wanted was to marry Sun. Any other dreams he had were put on hold while he works for her father.
There is more fighting between Sun, Jin, and Michael.
Michael’s boat has room for four; of course, Sawyer bartered for his spot by giving Michael wire for binding the wood.
Kate is worried about Sun, wondering how long she will let Jin treat her so badly.
The raft is set on fire, and Michael suspects Jin.
Sayid lets Boone know he and Shannon are getting close. Boone warns Sayid that his sister is a user. She’ll get bored with Sayid eventually.
Locke advises Shannon to forget what Boone thinks and advocate for herself.
Flashbacks show how Jin got blood on him first shown in episode six, House of the Rising Sun. I love that we got to see Jin’s perspective on this moment. We get to see how reluctant Jin was to resort to violence on behalf of his father-in-law. This show was so good at character development.
Another fight forces Sun to reveal she speaks English.
In the past, Jin lied about his background. His father is alive, something he was ashamed to admit because Jin was from a poor fishing village. But Dad doesn’t care, even giving Jin advice on how to fix his marriage.
Jin moves out of the caves and onto the beach. Jin works with Michael to build another boat.
Walt burned the boat?? I forgot about that until Locke and Walt’s scene near the end of the episode. The little guy was tired of moving, so he burned the boat.
Episode recap: Jin and Sun’s fractured marriage takes center stage. The tension between the two is noticeable. When they start to argue, someone says, “Here they go again.” The latest source of animosity? Sun daring to wear a bikini on the beach. The arguing becomes too much for Michael, not wanting to just stand by while Jin tries to drag Sun off the beach. Sometimes it pays to mind your own business. Michael gets slapped by Sun for trying to break up her fight with Jin. But that slap was more about protecting Michael than punishing him. Sun was more afraid of what Jin might do to Michael.
Jin wasn’t always like this. Flashbacks show a mild, meek man who fell in love and would do anything to marry Sun, including working for her powerful father. Marrying Sun was his dream, but the cost was more than Jin bargained for. Sun’s father is more than just a wealthy businessman. He gets what he wants even if he must use force—violence—to get it. Jin is reluctant to resort to violence to influence people, but he feels like he has no choice. Each dirty deed he does for his father-in-law moves Jin further and further away from the man Sun married. Jin and Sun are constantly fighting. Telling Sun the truth is not an option, as it would make her hate her father and destroy their relationship. Jin loved Sun too much to tell her the truth, but that choice is ruining their marriage.
Sun and Jin’s marriage is still in trouble on the island. They don’t know how to talk to each other or be honest with each other. They’re both put to the test when Michael’s raft is destroyed by a fire and Jin is the prime suspect. Even Sun thinks he did it when she sees his burned hands. But why would he do it? No one wants to stay on the island forever, why ruin a chance to get off it? An angry Michael believes Jin is the culprit and will beat him down—literally—until he gets some answers. Sun is forced to reveal she speaks English to prevent Michael from further injuring Jin. In between punches, Jin spoke in Korean, revealing that he burned his bands trying to put the fire out.
Sun’s reveal was a moment. While Michael and Kate knew Sun spoke English, it was a shocker to everyone else—especially Jin. It seemed to be the moment Jin realized their marriage might be over. Like Sun, Jin was using the trip from Sydney to Los Angeles to restart their lives. Sun wanted to leave him, but Jin was using the trip to save their marriage. Is it already too late?
The island is supposed to be a fresh start for everyone—but only if you take advantage. Look at everyone else. Locke can walk and can assert himself more than he ever could off the island. Charlie is learning to kick his drug habit. Boone is taking baby steps and is trying not to be so enmeshed in Shannon’s life. Shannon is starting to do things for herself. But the island’s “magic” hasn’t worked for everyone yet. Jack still has daddy issues. Sawyer is still a slick con man. Kate is roaming the island freely, but she’s not emotionally free from her past.
Sun and Jin stopped speaking the same language long before she learned English. Her father’s presence, his influence, still casts a shadow over their marriage. Not until they’re honest with each other, will that influence—that power—go away. What a journey this show takes you on. Please keep reading my post for episode eighteen is posted.