Hero of the episode: Locke and Hurley Zero of the episode: N/A
Quote(s) of the episode: “Just making conversation dude.” –Hurley | “Dude I could really use some alone time right now.” –Hurley | “You think you’re the only person with baggage.” –Charlie speaking to Hurley
Music vibes: Curious to start, and upbeat as Hurley goes looking for Danielle | Imposing when Jack sets off a trap
Little things: Hurley trying not to act suspicious while packing for his journey to see Danielle. | Claire being thankful to Locke for giving her something to do. In the end, she helps him build a crib for the baby. | Hurley hugging Danielle.
Episode notebook:
Michael and Jin are rebuilding the boat – with a 24-hour guard.
Michael wants some kind of device to send a distress signal should he see another boat. That would require a battery and a trip to Danielle to get one.
Hurley is curious about Danielle’s papers. One of those papers has numbers on it—numbers he used to win the lottery.
The lottery wasn’t all good for Hurley. A string of bad luck followed. Why? Maybe Danielle can help.
Hurley sets off on his own to visit Danielle. He has to know about the numbers.
“Yo French chick,” Hurley’s rallying call to Danielle when finds the black cable on the beach.
Sun is worried Jin will never speak to her again.
In the past, Hurley spent some time in a mental hospital. Why was he in a mental hospital? I think we get more clarity in season two.
A fellow patient repeated the numbers, which Hurley used to play the lottery. The source of the numbers is in Australia.
Hurley finds Danielle. The numbers brought Danielle to the island and bad luck followed.
Episode recap: Until now, Hugo “Hurley” Reyes has just been the funny, fat friend. He cracks jokes. He says “dude” a lot. He doesn’t ruffle anyone’s feathers. Hurley mostly goes with the flow. But even Hurley has a breaking point. Seeing the numbers, 4, 8, 16, 23, and 42, are his breaking point. He won the lottery with those numbers, so they should be lucky. But it’s been the opposite for Hurley. Those numbers have brought Hurley nothing but bad luck. At the press conference announcing his lotto win, his grandfather dropped dead. The priest is struck by lightning at the funeral. Hurley’s brother moves away after being cheated on. Hurley’s mom breaks her ankle. Hurley is falsely arrested. Hmmm? Lots of bad luck but are the numbers the source? Yes! Hurley is convinced they are. The island should have been Hurley’s chance to break from these numbers…but they’re baaaaccck!
Michael is rebuilding the raft. He needs more than just wood and metal, Michael wants a device, flare, or walkie-talkie that can send a signal should he spot another boat. A device like that would require Sayid to build it and a battery to power it. The only person with batteries is Danielle, and Sayid is against seeing her again—especially after he stole her papers and maps. Hurley notices one of those papers has his not-so-favorite numbers, 4, 8, 16, 23, and 42, written on them.
Hurley has been searching for the meaning of those numbers for a long time. A search that took him all the way to Sydney, Australia. The source of those numbers is now dead. Maybe the numbers are bad. Perhaps even cursed. Hurley is not going to be satisfied until he gets some answers, which he’s convinced Danielle has. Hurley sets off to find her—Sayid, Jack, and Charlie are hot on his trail.
When Sayid, Jack, and Charlie catch up to Hurley, they try to convince him to head back. But Hurley is a man on a mission. Everyone who tried to convince him the numbers weren’t cursed, including family, is wrong. Hurley does get a bit of luck; he gets to speak to Danielle alone. She gives him what he’s been so desperate for—answers. The numbers brought Danielle to the island, her science team heard them over the radio and traced the source to the island. Soon after her entire team is dead, she concedes the numbers probably are cursed. The relief on Hurley’s face was both a happy and sad moment. Hurley finally has the validation he was searching for, but it takes crashing on an island to get them. What else do these numbers have planned for Hurley and his fellow survivors?
We’re not done with these numbers (they play a big role in season two). These numbers have such a strong pull that they have the power to draw people to the island. The final shot of the episode is a closeup of the numbers etched on the side of the hatch. Did the numbers draw Locke and Boone to the hatch? More to come!
Please come back next week for recaps of episodes nineteen and twenty.